Your Generosity Plan for 2017

October 19, 2016

Dear FBC Members and Friends,

These past weeks Pastor Julie has asked us to focus on how Christian generosity can shape our lives according to God's purposes—in our own lives and as members of the Body of Christ.

Through the sacrificial generosity of past FBC members and friends we, unlike many inner city churches, have survived financially. Many of those gifts were intended to provide for the upkeep and maintenance of our facilities so that congregational giving could be dedicated to supporting our ministries and missions. Among those gifts was the property on which the Drake apartment building now sits next door.

The good news is that the Drake's ground rent provides over $1 million per year of operating funds:  The not-so-good news is that after decades of deferred maintenance, the estimated cost of needed facility repairs and improvements now exceeds $6 million.  

More good news: Because of the Drake income, 100% of your gifts and offerings does go to support our ministries and missions.  More not-so-good news:  The Drake income is providing most of the financial resources devoted to those programs as well as building repairs, deferred maintenance and aesthetic improvements. This means we can only nibble away at meeting our critical building needs.

Fact:  Our current congregational giving covers only about 21% of our budgeted needs.

The 2016-2017 budget we courageously endorsed at our September 25th congregational meeting calls for a 12% increase in congregational giving. This challenging but doable

goal increases overall congregational giving to 24% of our budgeted needs. We have a promising start: Over the past six months our membership, worship attendance and giving have seen strong growth.

We know that a church's budget is the most concrete expression of its values, vision and priorities. To put it another way: Our budget is where the rubber meets the road. In our case, it’s the road on which Christ is leading us to become the church that serves God's purposes in our community and in the world. We need your support.

These past weeks Pastor Julie has asked us to allow Christian generosity to shape our lives. If each FBC member and friend gives gratefully and generously, we will meet this year's challenging giving goal and move confidently into the future God has prepared for us.

On Sunday, October 30, we will celebrate an “offering of financial commitments” in worship together. Will you take time to pray about your financial participation in what God is doing in and through First Baptist Church during the coming year?

And as an expression of your intention, will you please complete a commitment card indicating your financial commitment between now and December 2017?  Your pledge will remain confidential—whether you make it here online or use a paper card located in the pews, sanctuary welcome area, office area or fellowship hall. (If you pledge online or turn in a commitment card early, you’ll still receive a pledge card in your order of worship on October 30th that you may use as a symbol of your pledge during the offering of commitments.)

We believe that 2016-17 is poised to be a banner year in our history—for all kinds of wonderful reasons. Thank you for all that you mean to this congregation, and to the gospel of Christ.


Your Stewardship Committee:
  Dennis Lambert
  Rob Marus
  Rochelle Howard

   Mike Henson

Lucy Plovnick

Senior Pastor:
Julie Pennington-Russell

Thomas Pandolfi - Virtuoso Pianist 10/16 4pm

Thomas Pandolfi, virtuoso pianist, returns to FBC on Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 4pm. He will romance us with pieces by Russian composers like Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and many others. The finale will be a tribute to Marvin Hamlisch. The Washington Post said Thomas is a “Master of both the grand gesture and the sensual line… exquisite…exceptionally articulate.”

This free concert is a gift to the Washington community. A reception follows the performance. Valet parking provided. Bring your friends and neighbors.

About Thomas Pandolfi American pianist

THOMAS PANDOLFI is an exciting virtuoso who, with each passing season, is becoming more and more sought after by audiences worldwide, and showered with superlatives by critics for his passionate artistry and amazing technique.

Among his engagements during the 2015-16 season, were as guest soloist with The National Philharmonic, Ohio Valley Symphony, North Charleston Pops, Cheyenne Symphony, Maryland Symphony, Alexandria Symphony, Symphonicity, Amadeus Orchestra, McLean Orchestra and Frederick Symphony.

During 2016-17, he will also be guest soloist with The Paducah Symphony, the Charlotte Symphony (FL), and the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic. His recital touring schedule will take him across the United States on a twenty state tour. Thomas' international concerts have included those in China and Europe; last season, he also made his debut in British Columbia.

An outstanding cross-over artist, Thomas' virtuoso transcriptions of the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, Marvin Hamlisch, George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein are in much demand.

A graduate of The Juilliard School, Pandolfi earned both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees as a scholarship student. He is the proud father of a wonderful son and daughter, and resides in Washington, DC.

To keep informed of the latest updates, please visit

Follow Thomas:
Facebook: @ThomasPandolfiPianist
Twitter: @TPandolfiPiano

Worship Tonight @ 7:00 with National Baptist Memorial Church!

Join us tonight at 7pm for worship and fellowship with our friends just up the road as we celebrate with NBMC their 110th anniversary. Alex McKeithen and Lon Schreiber will offer music and Pastor Julie is bringing the message, “Paul, Barnabas and That Crazy Radio Station”.  NBMC is located 2 miles north of First Baptist, at the corner of 16th Street and Columbia Road (1501 Columbia Rd., NW). There is a small parking lot, plus street parking around the church. There is a reception after the worship service.

Alex McKeithen, Soloist (see video of past performance)

Alex McKeithen, Soloist (see video of past performance)

Pastor Julie, Preaching

Pastor Julie, Preaching

Rev. Kasey Jones, Pastor NBMC(Led Call to Worship at Pastor Julie's installation service)

Rev. Kasey Jones, Pastor NBMC
(Led Call to Worship at Pastor Julie's installation service)