Organist Adam Brakel Performs in Tribute to Dr. Lon Schreiber

Free Concert will Feature 6,000-pipe organ at First Baptist of D.C. |Sunday, Nov. 6 at 4pm

Concert organist Adam Brakel

Concert organist Adam Brakel will perform a free recital in tribute to Dr. Lawrence P. “Lon” Schreiber, who is retiring after 22 years as organist and choirmaster at the First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C. 

The recital is scheduled for 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, in the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church, 1328 16th St. NW. 

Dr. Schreiber became the music leader at First Baptist in 2000 after “retiring” from National City Christian Church in Washington, D.C., where he served 40 years as music minister. 


During his tenure at First Baptist, Dr. Schreiber added depth and breadth to the music and worship ministries. He led the selection and acquisition of two iconic instruments for the church: a nine-foot Steinway concert grand piano in 2007 and, in 2012, the five-manual Austin organ with more than 6,000 pipes and trumpets in four chambers.  

Brakel performed an inaugural concert on the organ in 2015 and returns to honor Dr. Schreiber. 

“Lon is an unbelievably special person who is a mentor and friend,” Brakel said. “I will always be honored and forever thankful for his support, but more importantly, for his inspiration in over six decades of church music in Washington, D.C. 

“One of the many accomplishments in Lon’s abundant legacy includes two major 5-manual pipe organ installations. which continue to shape the future of the organ and church music environment,” Brakel continued. “He will be long commended as one of the unforgettable staples and legends in D.C. and abroad. His gift and inspiration will always be cherished.” 

Brakel’s performance highlights include the complete works of César Franck, and, most notably, the Six Etudes of Jeanne Demessieux, of which Brakel is one of the few organists in the world to have performed and recorded in its entirety. In addition to his concert career, Brakel is Director of Music for the Diocese of Orlando, Fla., and St. James Cathedral. 

Dr. Lawrence P. “Lon” Schreiber

Lawrence P. “Lon” Schreiber

Lawrence P. “Lon” Schreiber has served as a pastoral musician in Washington, D.C., for more than sixty-two years. In an age where the average church musician tenure is three years, his long service among two congregations in sacred music is celebrated by many including The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C., National City Christian Church, the greater Washington, D.C. music community, and the hundreds of musicians Schreiber has supported and encouraged throughout the years.

After graduating from Texas Christian University with an undergraduate degree in music and Union Theological Seminary in New York City with a Master’s degree in Church Music and Composition, Dr. Schreiber became Minister of Music at National City Christian Church in Washington, D.C. He served National City for forty years.

While at National City, Dr. Schreiber, the National City choir and soprano Leontyne Price provided music in January 1973 for the state funeral of former President Lyndon B. Johnson, who had attended services at the church on Thomas Circle. Dr. Schreiber supervised the design and installation of National City’s monumental five-manual Mö ller organ, a project spanning more than nine years. He initiated weekly organ recitals at the church, which continue to this day. For his contributions at National City and beyond, he was awarded a Doctorate in Music in 1981 by his undergraduate alma mater, Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.

After retiring from National City in 2000, Dr. Schreiber began a tenure as Minister of Music at The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C. His initial agreement with First Baptist was to serve in an interim capacity, but his tenure was anything but short-lived. During his twenty-two years with First Baptist, Dr. Schreiber added depth and breadth to the music and worship ministries, while continuing First Baptist’s welcome to the community through events such as the annual Candlelight Christmas Carols.

He led the selection and acquisition of two iconic instruments for First Baptist: a nine-foot Steinway concert grand piano in 2007 and, in 2012, the five-manual 118 rank Austin organ with more than 6,000 pipes and trumpets in four chambers. Under Dr. Schreiber’s leadership, First Baptist shared the gifts of its music with the surrounding community through recitals by distinguished organists, pianists, and singers.

Throughout his career, Dr. Schreiber has composed and published anthems, hymns and organ pieces, and has been a frequent accompanist for leading singers in the Washington metropolitan area. He has distinguished himself through his service to God, his commitment to the finest quality of music in public Christian worship, his leadership in the installation of two of the finest pipe organs in D.C., and his unerring support for the guidance and education of young music professionals. His legacy at First Baptist, National City, and the city of Washington, D.C. will be felt and celebrated for many years to come. Soli deo gloria.

36th Annual Walk to End HIV This Saturday, October 22

This Saturday, October 22, Whitman-Walker Health will hold its 36th Annual Walk to End HIV. Whitman Walker Health provides dependable, high-quality, comprehensive and accessible health care to those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

First Baptist participated in this Walk for many years prior to the Covid pandemic, and we plan to renew our participation this year. This year's Walk will be held at the Gateway DC Pavilion (near the Congress Heights metro stop on the Green Line) from 9am until noon.

If you would like to walk with the First Baptist team click the button below.

If you cannot walk, but would like to contribute, you can click below, visit or give by check to First Baptist. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Henson at (703) 980-5960 or Hope to see you there!

Salvation Army Angel Tree Toy Drive 2022

What it is: Angel Tree is a unique holiday assistance program that connects an individual or group sponsor with a deserving child ("angel") in need. The Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program has been running for over 40 years to ensure that these children have a wonderful holiday season with their families. Last year over 11,000 children in the National Capital Area received new gifts from the Angel Tree Program. This year First Baptist will sponsor 25 children.

NEW THIS YEAR: In addition to contactless shipping as we had last year, traditional shopping and bringing the gifts back to the Narthex will be an option as well.

How it works: Those who sponsor a child will be provided a child's first name, gender, age, clothing sizes and 3 wish list gift items, along with instructions (if choosing the online option, how to ship directly to the Angel Tree warehouse). Suggested spending for each child is $80-$150 (feel free to join with a group to provide for a child). Deadline for delivery is Nov. 27.

The Kickoff Party (October 23): Get into the Christmas spirit early and join Santa’s elves in picking Angels from the Angel Tree in person this year. Right after the service, please join us in the Narthex to get the party started! If you can’t make the kickoff please get in touch with a co-chair at any time and they will select a child for you. This year's co-chairs are Susan Lucas and Linda Salmon. Feel free to reach out to Susan or Linda with any questions - Susan: or Linda:, Thanks!

Fall/Winter Dates - Save the Date

October 23
Fall Forum with Sarah Willie-LeBreton (9:30 & 11am)

October 30
Blessing of the Animals (2:30pm on Zoom)

November 6
All Saints Worship (11am)
Organ Recital and Reception in Honor of Lon Schreiber (4pm)

November 20
Gratitude Sunday
Thanksgiving Lunch & Celebration of Lon Schreiber after Worship

November 27
First Sunday of Advent

December 11
64th Candlelight Carols (4pm)

December 18
Blue Christmas: A Service of Consolation (4pm)

December 24
Christmas Eve Worship with Chancel Choir (4pm)

December 25
Christmas Day Worship with Chancel Choir (11am)

January 1
Worship (11am)

Fall Forum with Dr. Willie-LeBreton

9:30am | Faith Formation
At 9:30am, all adult and youth faith formation classes meet in Fellowship Hall for coffee and a continental breakfast (children meet in their usual location). We will hear Dr. Willie-LeBreton speak on A Contemplative Approach to Conflict: For the Playground, the Kitchen and the Office.

11am | Worship
with Dr. Willie-LeBreton preaching: “My people shall never be ashamed: Abundance, Loneliness, the Finished Race and the Good Fight.”

Dr. Willie-LeBreton is Provost and Dean of Faculty and Professor of Sociology at Swarthmore College, and president-elect of Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, a role she will assume in July 2023. As a Quaker and a contemplative, Dr. Willie-LeBreton speaks from the intersection of faith and culture.

What Will Be Your Legacy? 

Bruce Salmon

After I retired from 33 years as pastor of Village Baptist Church in Bowie, Md., I began to reflect on what my legacy might be. That reflection resulted in writing books which became the Spelunking Scripture Bible study series. The books explore important passages of scripture related to Christmas, Easter, the Letters of Paul, and Acts and the General Epistles of the New Testament. Maybe these books could be a kind of legacy. 

All of us who are friends and members of First Baptist Church can help create another legacy, namely the new community building that is under construction where the FBC education building used to be. This new building will provide additional space for church meetings and activities and community ministries. This community building will be our legacy to those who come after us.   

We are calling the Capital Campaign to help pay for this new building “Give It Forward.”  Our gifts to the Capital Campaign will provide facilities to move forward into the future that God has for First Baptist Church. 

 In gratitude for your gift, I would be happy to send you an inscribed copy of one of my Spelunking Scripture Bible study books. 

If you received a gift form in the mail, you can place it in the offering plate Sunday; mail it to the church office; or scan the form and email it to

Additional forms will be available in the Narthex Sunday. Please join us with your generous gift to the Capital Campaign. 

Bruce Salmon, Co-Chair, Give It Forward Capital Campaign